555 K12 Street, Kelowna, BC

K12 Lunches Admin

K12 Lunches Admin
555 K12 Street, Kelowna, BC
PAC Contact
Welcome to the New CMS PAC Website
We are excited to launch our new CMS PAC website on the K12 Lunches Platform.

To register Click New Account? Register Now. Once registered you will be able to add students and place orders. The school Code is cms2022.

Any questions can be sent to canyonfallspac@gmail.com.
CMS PAC is in search of Hot Lunch Volunteers to help with Food Delivery to the communities for each hot lunch day.

Please sign up at CMS Hot Lunch Sign Up Genius Form.

If you have not volunteered at Canyon Falls Middle School before for hot lunch, please come at 11:30 for your first shift for an orientation.  If you have volunteered before please come at 11:40.   

CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK - All volunteers with the hot lunch program need to have a criminal record check completed every three years.  If you do not have a recent record check on file with the district, please go to the welcome centre (school office) to pick up the forms.
CMS PAC Is Looking for Hot Lunch Coordinators
CMS PAC is in search of 1 more Hot Lunch Coordinator to help run our successful program this year. We need this position filled as soon as possible. Training and support will be provided by Patty Glover who has run School Hot Lunch Programs for 7 years.

Email us today at canyonfallspac@gmail.com if you would like to get involved.
Canyon Falls Middle School Winter Market Vendor Registration Now Open

Event Date: Saturday, November 26, 2022
Event Time: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Event Address: Canyon Falls Middle School - 1211 Frost Road, Kelowna, BC, V1W 5M1
Cost: Entrance will be by donation
Our inaugural Canyon Falls Middle School Spring Outdoor Market was a great success attracting over 80 vendors, including student entrepreneurs and thousands of shoppers. With that success we are hosting an indoor Winter Market at the school this November.

Register today at Registration Form